DMG MORI - DMU 95 monoBLOCKHU-MIL-DMG-2021-00001
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Borja Garcia
+34 679 019 350
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- Machine Tools
- ➤ Used DMG MORI DMU 95 monoBLOCK For sale |
This DMG MORI DMU 95 monoBLOCK was manufactured in 2021. It features a speedMASTER® 20,000 rpm motor spindle, a 60-space chain box with double lever changer, and a NC tilting rotary table. Equipped with HEIDENHAIN TNC640 control and a comprehensive cooling/chip removal system. Ideal for complex machining tasks, the DMG MORI DMU 95 monoBLOCK vertical machining centre we have for sale is a robust addition to any production line. Contact us for further details.
- brand: DMG MORI
- year: 2021
- production hours: 3335
- application type: Milling
- Location: Hungary
- machine type: Vertical Machining Centre
- availability: Sold
- control unit brand: HEIDENHAIN
Technical Information - DMG MORI DMU 95 monoBLOCK
General Data
- Measurements width: 850 mm
- Measurements depth: 950 mm
- Measurements height: 650 mm
Control Unit
- Model: TNC640 with CELOS 21.5" ERGOline®
Main drive
- Number of spindles: 1
- Spindle speed range: 20000 rpm 1/MIN
- Tool taper: HSK-A 63 DIN 69893
- X-AXIS Movement: 950 mm
- Y-AXIS Movement: 850 mm
- Z-AXIS Movement: 650 mm
Additional Equipment
- - Cooling/chip removal - Manufacturer's package, includes: 600 liter coolant tank, cooling through spindle 40 bar 23 l/min with pump cooling around the spindle, Manual coolant flushing pistole, M function switchable through spindle, air cooling, Mechanical oil mist and emulsion separator
Additional Information
- Technical Machine Benefits:
- - High spindle speed, advanced control system
- - Main spindle option: hsk-a 63 din 69893 tool taper (also adapted for tool magazine)
- - Measurement: heidenhain ts 460 tool tester with optical signal transmitter, blum laser digilog, laser tool tester, 3d quickset software preparation
- - Other options: electronic hand wheel, documentation (ger & hu), display text (hu), dmg mori industry 4. 0, iotconnector, mdc, netservice, messenger v4
- Qualitative Machine Benefits:
- - Precision tool testing, integrated cooling and chip removal systems
- - Basic machine dmu 95: x,y,z: 950 mm x 850 mm x 650 mm, speedmaster® 20,000 rpm motor spindle, 60-space chain box with double lever changer, nc tilting rotary table, c-axis: d850 mm rotary table, 1000 mm x 750 mm rigid table integrated, mpc
- - Machine still under power
Machine Benefits
Extra information
*There may be differences between the data shown and the actual values, this should be confirmed by the sales representative.
Borja Garcia
Payment Terms
Payment in advance
Asset Financing
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